198.523. USD

Top Features: Teco Dryers

 QuadraTouch Pro Controls w/ Smart Loop Technology

Static Moisture Sampling

In House Training On Operation

Teco Tower Dryers provide fast, efficient drying for large farm operations and commercial elevators. These units are completely assembled on-site and are available in a variety of sizes from 12’ – 24’ diameter and heights from 56’ – 120‘.


Heat/cool capacities range from 1200 bushel/hour to 7000 bushel/hour with 5 point removal.


Teco Dryers feature high-quality components like stainless steel screens, a stainless steel grain table, top-quality blowers and burners, and easy-to-use computerized controls with self-diagnostics.


Extra-large wet holding bin.


Rotary sensors for choke fill or surge fill are standard.


Perforated sheets allow air to move easily through the grain, yet retain the bulk of the particulate matter.



Top Features: Teco Dryers

 QuadraTouch Pro Controls w/ Smart Loop Technology

Static Moisture Sampling

In House Training On Operation

Teco Tower Dryers provide fast, efficient drying for large farm operations and commercial elevators. These units are completely assembled on-site and are available in a variety of sizes from 12’ – 24’ diameter and heights from 56’ – 120‘.


Heat/cool capacities range from 1200 bushel/hour to 7000 bushel/hour with 5 point removal.


Teco Dryers feature high-quality components like stainless steel screens, a stainless steel grain table, top-quality blowers and burners, and easy-to-use computerized controls with self-diagnostics.


Extra-large wet holding bin.


Rotary sensors for choke fill or surge fill are standard.


Perforated sheets allow air to move easily through the grain, yet retain the bulk of the particulate matter.


Stainless steel outer screens, nuts and bolts resist rust.


RTD sensor monitors grain temperature to control unload speed and incoming and outgoing moisture sensors.


Louvered air vents allow control of the amount of ambient air being pulled through the grain for cooling.


Heat is reclaimed from warm, dry grain to improve fuel efficiency.


Heavy-duty legs allow plenty of clearance for conveyors, monitoring equipment, etc.


12 3/4" wide grain columns for longer air retention and maximum efficiency.


Entry areas at the outer platforms allow for easy cleaning without restricting airflow.


Teco Burners provide heat.


Grain turners move the grain from the inside of the column to the outside for more even moisture content and consistent grain temperature.


Outer sheeting in grain turner section is solid to maintain balanced heat/air distribution in the plenum.


Teco uses In-Line Centrifugal blowers to provide maximum airflow with minimum noise (Teco axial fan used o


Positive Unloading System removes grain from the dryer at a rate based on the grain temperature as it enters the cooling portion. Paddles and grain table on unload system are stainless steel for long life.



Gas pipe train features automatic shut-off valves with modulating burner control.


The imple-to-use touch screen control system used on all Teco Grain Dryers.


Extremely user-friendly menu-driven system - for those who are not tech-savvy.


Designed to eliminate around-the clock monitoring and increase productivity and efficiency.


Advanced algorithms and calculus are used to increase dryer efficiency and reduce large swings in temperature and discharge moisture.


PLC-based system is built to withstand harsh environments.


Can be remotely-located up to 200 ft. away from dryer.



Positive Discharge System


Positive discharge system ensures steady unloading and no plugging.


Unload rate is adjusted by the operator or automaticaly based on grain temperature or moisture.


Gearbox requires minimal maintenance, since it maintains positive lubrication even with variable speed operation.


Spout on discharge provides safe and easy way to sample grain for calibrating moisture sensor.


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Такая сушилка обеспечивает суточную производительность по пшенице с 20% до 14% до 120т/сутки, по кукурузе с 24% до 14% до 70т/сутки. Это самая маленькая сушилка из модельного ряда. Может комплектоваться теплогенератором на дровах, соломе, жидком топливе, газе. Со временем можно легко увеличивать производительность данной сушилки установкой


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