Lets talk about

Teco Co. specialty

The innovative design of Teco Co. dryers and their drying system is nowadays recognized both in the domestic and international market which helped the company become a leader in this field.


Specialized in I & D and grain drying systems development.

Teco Co. annual production capacity leads the market: 321 drying equipments (850 modules of 20 tn / H) that achieve a capacity of 17,000 t / h of drying.


Teco Co. specialty

The innovative design of Teco Co. dryers and their drying system is nowadays recognized both in the domestic and international market which helped the company become a leader in this field.


Specialized in I & D and grain drying systems development.

Teco Co. annual production capacity leads the market: 321 drying equipments (850 modules of 20 tn / H) that achieve a capacity of 17,000 t / h of drying.


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General technical features


The design of Teco Co. drying system can also be called mixed flow, because it combines the existing systems of columns and trestles.

In these types of systems, the product to be dried goes down through columns (without perforated sheet) that have half trestles inside.

This combination generates a zig-zag movement of the dried grain, which is accompanied by air at high temperature during a section of the columns, followed by a zone of tempering in which there is no air circulation inside the grain mass until it is crossed once again by another stream of hot air. These "flashes" of exposure to heat and waiting times occur several times as the grain goes down through the columns of the dryer.



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#silo #grão #secadordesementes #secadordegrãos #unidadedegraos #unidadedesementes #silos #canalizacao #transportedegrãos #correiastransportadoras #transportedecereais #agro #agricultura #farm #vidanocampo #brasil #agroétudo #agroépop #armazenagemdegraos #armazenagemdegrãos #poscolheita #póscolheita  #silo #grão #secadordesementes #secadordegrãos #unidadedegraos #unidadedesementes #silos #canalizacao #transportedegrãos #correiastransportadoras #transportedecereais #agro #agricultura #farm #vidanocampo #brasil #agroétudo #agroépop #armazenagemdegraos #armazenagemdegrãos #poscolheita #póscolheita#silos #armazenagemdegrãos ##silosdegrãos #silosdegraosesementes #agronegocio #oagronaopara #oagroehtop #eletricidade #energiaeletrica #servicoseletricos #redeseletricas #comandoseletricos #eletricista #quadrosdecomandos #redesdeenergia #transformadoresdeenergia #automacao #eletricidadepredial #eletricidadeindustrial#armazenagemdegrãos#agricultura#soja#milho#silos#oagronaopara#gsibrasil#quemarmazenacresce#soybeans




#silos #armazenagemdegrãos ##silosdegrãos #silosdegraosesementes #agronegocio #oagronaopara #oagroehtop #eletricidade #energiaeletrica #servicoseletricos #redeseletricas #comandoseletricos #eletricista #quadrosdecomandos #redesdeenergia #transformadoresdeenergia #automacao #eletricidadepredial #eletricidadeindustrial




Teco Co.  enhances benefits: maximum quality at the lowest cost


Teco Co.  grain dryers can get an even drying with minimal energy consumption.


Otomatik alternatif metin yok.



High drying quality


The design of the columns that transport the grains makes the air be distrubuted homogenously.


The mixed flow of the grain that goes down the column offers low resistance to the passage of air. This design reduces the energy consumption, maintaining a large volume of specific flow.


The grain mass descends on a zig-zag way into the column and when the grain is performing its ratation movement it is surrounded by an even stream of hot air. This air boosts energy transmission and absorbs moisture. As a result of this efficient operation, the output of grain ton in process is highly increased.


Otomatik alternatif metin yok.


Cyclic tempering system


Cyclic tempering improves the migration of moisture towards the outer layer of the grain. This system alternates the hot air circulation periods and the waiting times during the downward movement of the grain mass inside the column.


Otomatik alternatif metin yok.




Teco Co.  self-cleaning system


Teco Co.  has developed a simple and reliable system that prevents the formation of bindings or potential sources of ignition. As no interference occurs in the grain fall during the drying process, a part of light particles fall on the discharge hopper, while the remaining particles are directed towards the fans, which lead them to the light particle collection system. This design ensures a drying body with no interferences at all.


Otomatik alternatif metin yok.



Teco Co. discharge system


Teco Co.  discharge system, with its exclusive sweeping plate, guarantees the proportionality of the tons to be discharged according to the regulation of the drying flow speed. This electronic procedure consists of the simple movement of a knob that increases or decreases discharge velocity.


Teco Co.  equipment prevents grain breakage and has minimum maintenance requirements and low electrical power (0.5 HP per 140 Tn of drying).


Rotary Drum Cleaner with Aspiration Unit


Teco Co.  modular system


The original Teco Co.  self-supporting module system makes the equipment capacity meet any particular needs. The equipment provides structural rigidity and scalability, that means that it can increase the number of modules through a practical and simple system.


Teco Co.  Mounting on site


Teco Co.  modular design guarantees a safe and fast assembly, which means that most part of the module assembling process is carried out on the floor. Once the modules are fully finished, they are lifted and placed using a crane, which drastically reduces any kind of height working.


All supervisors and operators are trained and qualified in the plant in order to perform this type of tasks.


Rules adopted by Teco Co.


As part of the process of continuous improvement of its products and services, Ingeniería MEGA S.A. holds ISO 9001: 2000 (RINA) certfication as well as approvals for the operation of its equipment in different parts of the world: CE certification; Certificate of Technical Aptitude (Bureau Veritas Argentina); Certificate of Conformity (GOST-R); Certificate of Use (RTN - Burner Dryer); Epidemiological Health Certificate (GGTN); Internal regulations of the client; Fire protection networks (NFPA).


Digital board 

Through a touch screen, the operator can control the operation of the dryer throughout the whole process. He just has to choose the type of grain, program the temperature and the download speed and he starts the drying process. The screen graphically details the whole process and shows the messages to the operator, allowing the operator to make decisions quickly and safely to achieve greater efficiency in drying. This process is also stored in a database (yellow box). 

This board can be integrated with the rest of the automation already implemented in the customers plant.


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Light particle separators 

The grain dryer expels air together with particles in suspension that alter and disturb the environment near the equipment. Light material separators capture particles of served air with high efficiency and avoid such problems. 

When there are houses, offices, roads, etc. near the grain dryer, a dust collector system is incorporated into the machine which considerably reduces the concentration of solid particles in the served air. Each turbine in the machine has a dust separator equipment.


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Dust secondary extraction system 

This equipment automates the collection of the particles that settle through dust extractor pipes. 

This secondary suction system produces the depression of the main collector pipe, prevents clogging of light particle settling pipes, and improves the efficiency of the dryer particle extractors. 

It is also used to collect dust accumulated in the fan chamber of the dryer. This way, a full automation of drying equipment cleaning is achieved.


Fire fighting network 

Red contra incendios 
The design of the fire fighting network consists of the injection of water into the grain bearing core, which cools the combustible material and its surroundings in order to protect the structure of the machine. 

This is achieved by means of open injectors distributed in three levels: one is placed on the loading hopper of the machine and the other two, below said Hopper.


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Noise attenuators 

By incorporating noise attenuators in every dust separators, it is possible to reduce the noise level generated by the dryer by almost 5/50 dBA.


Compressed air cleaning system 

Sistema de limpieza con aire comprimido 
The compressed air network consists of a galvanized pipe with quick couplings distributed in four levels that allow the connection of a hose with a gun used to blow. 

This network is used in seed dryers where it is necessary to perform a thorough cleaning every time the variety of grain to be dried is changed.


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Thermal insulation 

Thermal insulation panels are placed in the hot air chamber or throughout the dryer. 

This protection reduces the heat losses by conduction. In addition, in areas with very cold weather, the thermal insulation panels are placed in the served air chamber to avoid condensation of water inside the dryer.


Heat recovery

An important commitment of Ingeniería Teco Co is to reduce drying costs while preserving the environment.

For this reason, each type of recovery is designed and calculated by analyzing in detail the internal and external factors of the drying unit, such as the weather conditions of the place, the type of grain to be dried, the drying maximum and minimum temperatures the process accepts, the fuel to be used and the heat generator, among other aspects.


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Teco Co heat generators 

Generadores de calor Teco Co 
Teco Co grain dryers have heat generators that work with different fuels, such as natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), diesel, water vapor, wood (wood chips or logs), biomass and others. 

Teco Co gas burners (exclusive and certified design) 

They are unique for the dryer and achieve a homogenous temp